

Stores management solution based on wireless technologies


An RFID label       +      a reader system     +     a software box

The RFID label

Placed on each article the RFID label identifies tag with a unique code in the chip.

Reception and rapid inventory

Receipt of parcels becomes simple and fast, no need to open the boxes to identify each item. Remote Play allows inventory labels five times faster than inventory with bar code label.

Payment at the POS

In case, the possibility of identifying multi items with the uniqueness of RFID. Several items can be recorded at the same time to speed up the process of counting and payment. Finally, the RFID tag can replace the antitheft and ensure the function of the store doors.

Loyalty and couponing solutions

Optimization of loyalty cards

-The loyalty card is used at the entry of the store and not only when the customer he is leaving.
-The terminal connected to a central database will offer items corresponding to the taste of customers.
-The terminal also allows articles to push sales through specific offers and use the points of your customers for the purchase of these products.

Profiling of your customers

-Through bonus coupon, discount or points you'll even push your customers respond to questionnaires.
-The customer-product combination will allow you to define the optimal mix.


-The associated terminal has a loyalty card allows you to interact with the customer when it is in stores.
-Capture the customer when he is in the store. Return on their visit.
-The sending-home coupon is not needed anymore. They payback of the advertisement is made directly in the store.

The Digitag: A label that changed price

The Digitag

A single label: An antitheft, a facility inventory and price management easier.


Upon receipt of the goods, each item has a DigiTAG, programmed with an RFID reader. The tag is attached to the item in the same way than the antitheft hard tag. Prices are programmed remotely, modified according to the sales and promotions. Two prices can be displayed simultaneously and the percentage reduction.


In the store, the tag allows simple and rapid inventory. An RFID reader will make an inventory on the fly. At the cashier, product identification and theft, the tag may be detached or remove only when the sale is recorded in order to prevent theft of convenience.

The new multi-channel loyalty cards

RFID membership card or loyalty

-NFC solutions are a breakthrough in the retail field .
-A contactless solution to be read at the POS with a smartphone or a simple terminal.
-NFC card is undoubtedly the modern image of your brand and your customers will be identified with either their personal data or either through a single UID.


-The NFC-cards are now compatible with smartphones, mobile payment tools.
-The customer-product combination will allow you to set the optimal matching.


-The customer will be automatically recognized through its connections through a smartphone.
-Recognition in the store through simple reader in order to access to the POS or go directly to a store or parts of this one.
-Combined with a terminal screen or couponing, customers can interact with the shop at the management of specific offers or push on discounted articles.


Network Finance Identec cegid-group yveline-conseil