know-how | Digiprice


Stores management solution based on wireless technologies


For over a decade, Digiprice, French company creating innovative software solutions specializing in the development of display solutions and management of outlets. Result of collaboration between professionals from various fields, it deploys technology wireless radio frequency identification (RFID) to revolutionize the administration of outlets through integration of services to ensure the safety of products from delivery by the supplier until they are sold.

RFID technology as an innovative link

RFID devices, small electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an antenna, the same role as a bar code or a magnetic strip on the back of a credit card or ATM. They provide a unique identifier for each object. And, just as a bar code, need to be scanned to reveal details or information. In addition, RFID devices must be analyzed to extract credentials.

A successful relationship with store management

As the management of articles takes an important place in the daily work of teams within the retail stores, the issue of staffing performance solutions is acute. As a publisher of innovative services managements, Digiprice developed a hardware and software suite dedicated to the management of the entire store. The solution comes in three service lines to better adapt to different needs. It allows among others to anticipate shortages, to have an accurate record of each item based on its radius to increase responsiveness vis-à-vis customers and automate tasks related to automation of inventory and assisted management of coupons.

Because the implementation of effective management system for shops must register with a view to flexibility and responsiveness, Digiprice offers solutions available in various forms.



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